Two more days to go and its all happening…Tonight still some things to do on the computer, website and sorting out of what not to take in my head.haha
But so far so good even if I feel like I am not quiet prepared for this long flight.
SantosExpress in Mossel Bay will be blessing us 100% and breakfast for our dry Run. So a big shout out to Sam and the Owner of Santos Express in Mossel Bay, we so appretiate the love… Sam has got so much in petto for all our bikers…It might be only one night this time but it’s going to be a night packed full of fun…
Meander Stay is also blessing us 200% by also finding us enough homes/accomodations/bnbs for next year so when we get there on the 13th of October Madelein will have organised the whole town for you so you can have two nights of pure hospitality and fresh mountain air up your nostrils