Ride with us for freedom
Mission & Vision

Our vision is to help & empower the local community to live healthy & safe lives in a Valley of a 1000 Hills KZN South Africa.
A community centre for adult’s & children’s learning needs to be established. Pre-school & medical centre for physical, emotional needs to be opened. Youth work & outreach into the community to impact crime & drug use on ground roots level.
A kitchen catering for a feeding scheme for children & adults looking after dying parents & children, & a Church to be established on the land purchased from the Gumede brothers in the Valley of a 1000 Hills this will be one of a kind & much needed, servicing the community above & below in the valley.
The vision is to house around 40 children & 13 sets of replacement parents/volunteers to help with their upbringing & foundational life skills, rebuilding broken hearts & homes to orphans most in need.
Grapevine Family Foundation will also work down in the valley below feeding & bringing basic needs to children caring for their sick and dying parents & in some cases freeing them up to go to school, with volunteers from abroad training locals to take care of HIV or other sick parents.
13 community style round homes will be Grapevine Family Foundation; housing around 4 children per unit & a set of parents or one mother to take care of these children’s personal needs. These children would have lost their parents to HIV aids, accident, or through abandonment. These children will be loved & cared for & will grow up in a community where they can express childhood emotionally & physically.
Each home will have 3 rooms a bathroom & a basic kitchen. Mother’s duties will include washing & cleaning the huts & taking care of any very young (toddlers).
Medical Centre & Mental Clinic that will aid those in need of assistance with getting to hospital for the worst & putting on the plaster for the not so serious cases. Qualified staff will be available 24/7 for the community & no one will be turned away. Basic medical needs will be provided for, this will be manned by salaried and voluntary staff. A separate building will have 3 sick bays and medical examiners room/office.
A rape & trauma unit will run alongside the SA police to help bring perpetrators to justice & protection for the rape victims will be arranged while they recover.
Support will also be given to those who get pregnant & have no where to turn to for help. Pre & Ante natal classes will follow for young mothers.
There will be a salaried child/adult psychologist on site for rape victims & child abuse cases 24/7. This will run alongside the SA police & other institutions such as the Child Protection units & Social Services of SA & any other institution in KZN we might network with for the benefit of our community.
We will have rooms for – A Dentist, Optometrist & physio therapist.
We will also be advising people on health issues giving people basic self help tips on nutrition & care. Workshops in the valley & at the centre itself will be focused on safety in the home & basic first aid skills.
Community Centre/church will be open 6 days a week this will have many functions, namely;
- Pre-school, baby, childcare & after-school centre (for working mothers/fathers from the valley). Older children that are living on the premises will be taken to school by bus. A small fee depending on the income of the parents will go towards new books & resources for all the children. However this will need funding from outside as the parents won’t be able to cover the full costs of this service.
This will run with volunteer staff only fully vetted & police checked. This will aid as a training ground for overseas student teachers wanting to work in the mission field in rural settings. A sports & PE teacher/s will be on duty every afternoon to help children keep fit & occupied.
Adults learning facility
This will be for the as young as 16 to older students wanting to learn computer and e-mailing skills. And life skills coaching, preparing them to be confident in the marketplace.
- Life skills coaching workshops once a month or as needed by the number of people interested in the courses given. (FREE)
- IT computer skills – training up to 20 people at one given time. (FREE)
Given the training & good pass marks the skilled will be given certificates to go & find jobs with. They will be given support & assisted in finding the right positions.
Arts & Crafts classes & workshops
- Beading & sewing
- Woodwork
- Painting on canvas & also sculpture & pottery workshops
A small curio/coffee shop will be open 7 days a week in order to generate a sustainable income for the facility, & all the artists & crafters helping them feed their families. After a period they will be given help to start up their own businesses.
Youth Work & centre for ages 14-25 will operate every Friday night bringing in bored and troubled youths giving them something to do under strict supervision. There will be counselors to talk to & activities to amuse:
- Basketball court
- Music live & disco
- Games
- Skate ramp
The youth workers will have an outreach team working within the valleys young people bringing them hope through various schemes possibilities being, a football academy for boys, netball & hockey for girls, dance & drama for boys & girls, music lessons and arts and craft classes and cooking classes.
Feeding Scheme
This will entail a ‘soup kitchen’ delivering food to the valley below at crucial points where the need is the most. This will be done daily as kitchen staff will be employed to cook food fresh daily for this purpose alone. We endeavor to feed around 4000 or more people daily.
Sunday Church Services
Based on the Christian faith & putting Jesus Christ in the centre of this ministry this day will be the day where all believers and staff can come together & be at one, providing two to three services per day depending on the demand thereof.
Bus and taxi services
As there is no way of getting to this facility safely by walking, a bus & taxi service will have to be implemented from the outset. As buses will have to be bought or contracted too & drivers hired for this purpose.
All this will take place in the Church’s Main Building that will be purpose designed & built to fit all the facilities needs.
The Church will seat 5000 people built on the Christian faith putting Jesus Christ in the centre of this operation, however the doors will be open to any faith & we will not be prejudice. Teaching new believers by providing a discipleship course & possibly Bible school training. We will also do outreach work delivering basic needs like blankets, clothes & toys through gifts & monies donated to the church. The possibilities are endless. It will all develope as we go & grow with the community.