there is a blessing in everything
Annual Reports
- Truus
- Eva
- Coleen
- Klaas & Micky
- Trish
- Nick
- Heather
Deuterenomium 6:5 Met al je hart.
Huisjes opknappen: Piet & Nick
Kinderwerk: Truus & Shen
Voedselpakketten: Coleen, bellen en dergelijke
Programma doorgenomen.
Opslagplaats nodig voor voedselpakketten. Kan bij Trish.
Budget (3.000 euro = ca 45.000 rand):
- Onkosten
- Kinderwerk
- Uitje
- Voedselpakketten
- Bouwwerkzaamheden
- Opening
- Verslag vorige vergadering
Geen op- of aamerkingen.
- Financiën
- Stand van zaken sponsoring
- Coleen: zit nu op ca 250 pond
- Eva: geeft in Zuid Afrika wat zij kan
- Klaas: 395,70
- Micky: 954,20 (100 euro nog niet ontvangen)
- Piet: maakt 600 euro over
- Truus: 925,00
- Stand van zaken sponsoring
- Declaraties
- Lunch 08-10-2018 tbv bijeenkomst deelnemers trip 2016: 17,00 euro
- Zendingscollecte
- Zondag .. September is er een zendingscollecte gehouden in het Anker. Hier is een presentatie gegeven. De collecte heeft 400 euro opgeleverd.
- Reis 2016, stand van zaken
Naar en van Schiphol nog regelen. Treintickets voor 3 personen is 48 euro plus taxikosten naar station.
Heen 20-10, circa half acht op Schiphol.
Terug 15-11, landing ca 09:10
Nog logeeradres voor 2 personen regelen.
Achter bevestiging bus aangaan.
Vandaag bijeenkomst met deelnemers.
- Rondvraag
Is het gebedsteam ingeschakeld? Klaas heeft een gebedslijst opgesteld en tijdens de zendingscollecte uitgedeeld. Lijsten worden weer meegenomen met uitzegening 16 oktober.
Locatie: Loodsgracht, Den Helder
Aanwezig: Monique Samson, Toetie Witbraad, Klaas & Micky Heiligenberg
Datum: 28 mei 2016
- Opening
- Financiën
- Overzicht 2015
- Stand van zaken sponsoring
- Declaraties
- Zie Excel
- Zie OneNote pagina Financieel, Spaarpot & Souvenirs Klaas
- In 2015 twee posten, Drukwerk en Visitekaartjes
Micky heeft een lijst met declaraties ingediend van haar onkosten.
Een van de posten is de telefoonkaart. Deze wordt nu via onze rekening betaald. Dit moet veranderd worden naar de GVF rekening, wat vrij lastig blijkt te zijn.
- Verslag reis 2015
- Lokale hulp (Trish Buchanan) gesproken
- Uitje kinderen
- Land gemeten
- Architect (Bill Williams) gesproken
- Bouwers (Rob & Gorden Ventress) gesproken
- Dame (Sis) gesproken die boekhouding gaat controleren
- Reis 2016, stand van zaken
Voorlichting voor 4 personen gehouden in Dronten op 02 april 2016
Truus (gaat mee), Joke (gaat niet mee), Marc (gaat niet mee), Piet uit Edam (weet nog niet).
Via skype contact gehad met Coleen uit de UK (gaat mee, maar niet met de vakantieweek).
Gebed voor in ieder geval nog 1 persoon
- Promotiestand Opwekking 2017
Kleinste plek is 2x2m
Standbemanning nodig
Voor opbouw stand moet je een dag eerder zijn
Slaapplek nodig
Standaankleding nodig (banners, promotiemateriaal, foto’s, souvenirs, ander verkoopspul)
Kosten, schatting 1000 euro
- Stand van zaken GVF Zuid Afrika
Vergaderfrequentie. Zijn wat laks geweest.
Nieuwsbrief maken
Micky gaat periode naar UK om vrienden te bezoeken en zal ook GVF promoten. Hiervoor vraagt ze gebed.
Volgende vergadering 20 augustus 2016
Opwekking Diary Expo at a big Event for 3 days
vrijdag 2 juni 2017
Arrived at about 2 and slowley in the heat unloaded all the goodies for the stand
After realizing our stand was 55cm short it took me 2 hours to find the man in charge,
That was a bit silly as I hoped and planned our time in and hoped that we would be done by
5pm so we could enjoy the camping area and the people and perhaps grab a dinner in the local
Town. But it was not to be and we ended up working till 9pm. We then draged ourselves out and over the camping to find a sweet and very marvelous tent provided by some dear friends (they put it up a day before go home and then dont have to do it in the rush the next day when they get back from work) very very clever. We met some lovley people that pumped up our beds, and made us some boiling water for our flask and yes there was a man from the CMA… We then met our lonley neighbour that comes from the same church as our friends and enjoyed chatting with snaks till around midnight under the half moon star burst sky…
Klaas and I retired and I was cold, and slept realy badly but survived but next time I will do it differentley…
Friday morning we woke up at about 8:30 walked about 500m to the loo and enjoyed a nice chill breakfast with our neighbour.
I then walked all the way to the car and entrance to meet our lovley volunteers…while Klaas packed up our stuff. I mannaged to get my workers Pieter-Jan and his lovely wife a nice parking ticket and a camping spot not too far from the event tents. With that said I got to take all our stuff back to our car with their car and we volunteered to help park it for them…but thats more miles under the belt for our morning stroles…
As we were making our way back from the car we came across some old church members and stoped for a needed coffee (God provides in mysterious ways…) and then another person we know that works in a shop as a volunteer in our city too…seriously there are thousands of people here…
Up and adam to have lunch at our new booked accomodation Walabi Village, here we share a house with 5 other people from church…(help) no realy I love them to bits…we mannaged to get into our house 2 hours earlier and enjoyed the much needed shower and chilled till the rest of the gang arrived. Then it was time for us to go direction Expo tent again.
We arrived and started off with a prayer meeting, when no one volunteered to close the prayer with a opening prayer I felt God saying GO…STEP OUT….eeeeeek so I did and prayed for everyone with my realy broken Dutch with my strong South African accent….someone came to me and gave me a compliment about the prayer I spoke out…simple but from the heart it can never to wrong.
We opend the Expo doors and there was hardly a soal in sight…they say that was normal so from 5:30 to 7pm we just fiddled a bit and spoke to about 7 people…most of whom love SA but too old to go again…one chap would love to go but found it a bit of a challeng but would think about it.
At 7pm we closed the doors and retired to our little big house….I just found out that our neighbours are planning a big party tonight….will I get some sleep or will this be another one of those nights.
Saturday 1am the matresses moved into the kitchen because this party was only just getting started.
Woke up with a big tired head and now only had about 7 hours of broken sleep in two nights…
Got to the prayer meeting at about 9am after a breakfast and coffee with hubby and enjoyed the morings opening talk and saftey briefing before our 10am doors open start. Had some great talks with people some seriously interested others still need to pray about it and others just inlove with South Africa as they just got back from their holiday recentley…many that have been want to go back but when and how is still also a prayer away…our helpers came along so we could have our little break and it was realy very hot in the tent so a deserved sit on the bench in the breez was a nice thing to do, amongst the “people” and kids lots of children…
We met awsome people today and expect to meet more for sure.
7pm the doors swung closed and it was time to go home, found the whole house still here and enjoyed some fellowship with our housemates.
Had a good nights rest as the party animals had gone.
Sunday, up bright and early and cooked my hubby a nice breakfast…off to the prayer meeting and again had a super time and got a bible lesson out of Acts 2…prayed in small groups and felt the Lords pressence. The doors opend up at 10 and we were expecting a big wave of people but it remaind calm cool and collective…weird because the other expo tent section was buzzing all day. However we did pray for quality and not quantity…so there we got what we prayed for and we will also see in the near future the fruits of our labour…our helpers popped in again and I walked around alot today nipping people with the pegs…loveit. At 7 we retired with curry and rice from my sister in laws kitchen…got home cooked and heated up our meal and chilled and retired at just after 10 discovering we have noisy neighbours again…HELP…
02-01 |
Klaas Heiligenberg at 12/01/2020 13:55 Several people invited for OneNote GVF and GVF missiontrips |
03-01 |
Document CITRO 21 received from Susan (ABSA) |
04-01 |
Official documents, in our possesion, scanned and placed on MEGA |
10-01 |
Barbara has worked out several things and informed us |
11-02 |
Presentation missiontrip 2017 for 4 interested persons |
16-02 |
Micky to South Africa for administration work. |
07-03 |
Micky back home from South Africa for administration work. |
ANBI status is a Dutch govermental approvement for non profit organisations. With an ANBI-status, organisations don’t have to pay taxes and people that give money can get their taxes back.
In order to get this status, the organisation has to follow some rules/guidelines.
Om aangewezen te worden als ANBI moet uw instelling voldoen aan alle volgende voorwaarden:
- Uw instelling zet zich voor minstens 90% in voor het algemeen belang. Dit is de 90%-eis.
- De instelling heeft met het geheel van haar algemeen nuttige activiteiten geen winstoogmerk.
- Uw instelling en de mensen die rechtstreeks bij uw instelling betrokken zijn, voldoen aan de integriteitseisen.
- De bestuurders of beleidsbepalers van uw instelling mogen niet over het vermogen van de instelling beschikken, alsof het hun eigen vermogen is. Er moet sprake zijn van gescheiden vermogen.
- Uw instelling mag niet meer vermogen aanhouden dan redelijkerwijs nodig is voor het werk van de instelling. Daarom moet het eigen vermogen beperkt blijven.
- De beloning voor bestuurders is beperkt tot een onkostenvergoeding of minimale vacatiegelden.
- Uw instelling heeft een actueel beleidsplan.
- Uw instelling heeft een redelijke verhouding tussen kosten en bestedingen.
- Geld dat overblijft na opheffing van uw instelling, wordt besteed aan een ANBI met een soortgelijk doel.
- Uw instelling voldoet aan de administratieve verplichtingen.
- Uw instelling publiceert bepaalde gegevens op een internetsite.
Reports will be released in February 2023
Reports will be released in March 2023